CIPOA - VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies


AWARDS for young researchers:

1. Awards for the best three short-oral communications (SOC) to be presented by PhD students;

2. Awards for the best three poster presentation (PC);

1. Rules for SOC award:

1. ISC members will evaluate all SOC (at least two evaluators per SOC) according to the template provided;
2. The presenters of the best three SOC will receive a certificate from CIPOA and awarded during the CIPOA closing ceremony;

2. Rules for PC award:

1. ISC members will evaluate all PC (at least two evaluators per PC) according to the template provided;
2. The presenters of the best three PC will receive a certificate from CIPOA and awarded during the CIPOA closing ceremony;

3. Rules for early career researcher (ECR) award:

1. Eligibility: PhD holders for 10 or fewer years; except for interruptions of scientific activity due to maternity/paternity leave and/or serious illness;
2. Applicants should provide a full CV, a synopsis of the scientific/curricular path (maximum 3000 characters; the synopsis of the scientific and curricular path should be written in a narrative form and clearly focused on the last 5 years or 5 working years, if any interruption happened) and major activities and results (maximum 2000 characters; describe your main contributions of the last 5 years using objective indicators and substantive arguments);
3. Interruption in scientific activity (If applicable); when counting the years after having obtained a PhD degree: i) Maternity/paternity: the number of years after obtaining the PhD is reduced in 6 months per child (before or after PhD completion), ii) Serious illness: the period of this interruption has to be longer than ninety days, after PhD completion. All these circumstances shall not result in a cumulative reduction of more than 2 years;
4. ISC members will be responsible for the evaluation of the candidates;
5. The winner will be decided during the ISC meeting and announced during the CIPOA closing ceremony;
6. Selection criteria:
a) Excellence in science (publication track record, citations and awards);
b) Area of expertise-background;
c) Relative scientific evolution in the last 5 years;
d) Cooperation between Iberoamerican countries; e) gender balance;
7. The country of the selected candidate will not be able to propose a candidate for the next CIPOA meeting;
8. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture in the following CIPOA (conference fee will be not charged and accommodation during CIPOA meeting will be offered by CIPOA organizers);

AWARDS for senior researchers enrolled in CIPOA meetings:

1. Award for distinguished scientific research in the fields of CIPOA;
2. Award for distinguished education and knowledge dissemination in the fields of CIPOA;
3. Award for distinguished career/excellence in implementation and practice in the fields of CIPOA.

Rules for senior researcher awards:

1. ISC members should propose one name for each type of award per Iberoamerican country, with distinguished scientific research, providing a full CV, and a concise personal statement (1 page) articulating research expertise, achievements and goals or plans for the future;
2. The awards will be given biannually to senior researchers enrolled in CIPOA meetings;
3. By the time of the conference the awardees should be known and deliver a lecture in the meeting (registration fee, accommodation and travel will be provided by CIPOA organizers);
4. The award committee is composed by all ISC members;
5. The winners cannot be proposed again during the following two CIPOA editions;
6. It is not mandatory to give the prize in each CIPOA and the chairman is free to decide the number of prizes

Solidarity Award:

Solidarity Awards are generously sponsored by companies, institutions, or research groups, aiming to integrate teaching, research, and social outreach to benefit the community, promote academic excellence, and foster community engagement.

This year, in response to the challenging situation in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal, will award a cash prize of 120 euros each for the best short-oral and poster presentations conducted at any institution in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The winners will be announced during the closing ceremony.

We extend our solidarity to the people of Rio Grande do Sul and look forward to welcoming you in Florianópolis!